Terms & Conditions of Fuel Supply Service

Whilst AVFuel (Pty) Ltd (“AVF”) sources fuel from reputable suppliers we must emphasize that sourcing, transporting, storage and dispensing of fuel (the “Fuel Supply Service”) carries inherent risks.

Therefore, we kindly request you to take note of the following as terms and conditions:

Fuel Supply at Own Risk: The Fuel Supply Service is undertaken at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the Fuel Supply Service in any respect.

Disclaimer of Liability and Indemnity: AVF, its directors, shareholders, and/or employees cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages, claims, liabilities, or expenses, whether direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential (“Claims”), arising from or related to the Fuel Supply Service, whether through their negligence or otherwise. You hereby also indemnify AVFuel against any Claims made against it by third parties arising from or connected to your use of the Fuel Supply Service.

Purchaser Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the purchaser to inspect and enquire about all aspects of the Fuel Service Service and satisfy themselves that it is fit for purpose. Any concerns or discrepancies should be reported promptly to us for appropriate action.

Proper Handling and Usage: AVF shall not be held liable for the handling, storage and usage of fuel by or through its customers.

Severability: If any provision or part of a provision or wording of this notice is deemed unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions or part of them or wording shall remain in full force and effect. The unenforceable or invalid provision or part of a provision or wording shall be, where possible, replaced by a valid provision or part of a provision or wording that most closely reflects the original intention of AVF.

This notice is intended to promote awareness and mutual understanding and agreement of the terms and conditions under which fuel is supplied by AVF. By using the Fuel Supply Service, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

September 2023